Following the unexpected death of her father, 18-year-old Layken is forced to be the rock for both her mother and younger brother. Outwardly, she appears resilient and tenacious, but inwardly, she's losing hope.
Enter Will Cooper: The attractive, 21-year-old new neighbor with an intriguing passion for slam poetry and a unique sense of humor. Within days of their introduction, Will and Layken form an intense emotional connection, leaving Layken with a renewed sense of hope.Not long after an intense, heart-stopping first date, they are slammed to the core when a shocking revelation forces their new relationship to a sudden halt. Daily interactions become impossibly painful as they struggle to find a balance between the feelings that pull them together, and the secret that keeps them apart.
My Thoughts
Oh wow! Hoover sure knows how to throw me off the track! so many twists and turns! Just like when my niece suddenly decides she wants juice, and then, it's milk! ah well maybe not like that! but really! kids can be super annoying you know! they know five words! and everything is expressed by these five words! and I have to figure out what they want! Gah!!!!
Right, the book, I wasn't expecting I would like this much! if the first chapters were any indicator, I was set to hate it, sure Lake has this "snark" about her, but still, it was set to an non original YA love! but then, Bam! Will turns out to be.... ohhh I'm not gonna say! you have to read it!
every character in this book is unique and fun in it's own way! and Hoover has a way to keep you turning the pages. I like how each character grew up and developed.
to be honest, I read a lot of books that over all, were better. but this book had something that made me fall in love with it, just the right amount of laughs, tears, and corky friends!
a fun and heart warming novel!
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